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Rauschenberg received numerous awards during his nearly 60-year artistic career. Among the most prominent were the International Grand Prize in Painting at the 32nd Venice Biennale in 1964 and the National Medal of Arts in 1993. Rauschenberg lived and worked in New York City and on Captiva Island, Florida, until his death on May 12, 2008. 1964 was a year of social, technological, and cultural change in America: the nation mourned the murder of President John F. Kennedy; Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act; and the Beatles led the "British invasion" of the American pop market. The year 1964 was also a decisive moment in the canon of American post-war art. In a large, lofty studio above a billiards hall on Broadway in New York, Robert Rauschenberg (1925-2008) completed Buffalo II, one of the largest of his famous series of screen-printed paintings that captured the social, political, and artistic zeitgeist of the decade.

Robert Milton Ernest Rauschenberg (* 22 October 1925 in Port Arthur, Texas; † 12 May 2008 on Captiva Island, Florida) was an American painter, graphic artist, photographer and object artist and a pioneer of Pop Art in the 20th century, although his multi-layered oeuvre cannot be subsumed under this style. Rauschenberg is well known for his Combines (1954–1964), a group of artworks which incorporated everyday objects as art materials and which blurred the distinctions between painting and sculpture. Rauschenberg was both a painter and a sculptor, but he also worked with photography, printmaking, papermaking and performance.

Robert Milton Ernest Rauschenberg (* 22 October 1925 in Port Arthur, Texas; † 12 May 2008 on Captiva Island, Florida) was an American painter, graphic artist, photographer and object artist and a pioneer of Pop Art in the 20th century, although his multi-layered oeuvre cannot be subsumed under this style. Rauschenberg is well known for his Combines (1954–1964), a group of artworks which incorporated everyday objects as art materials and which blurred the distinctions between painting and sculpture. Rauschenberg was both a painter and a sculptor, but he also worked with photography, printmaking, papermaking and performance.

World of Art

Buffalo II


Art ID



243,8 x 183,8 cm

Oil & silkscreen ink on canvas





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At THE ART HUB, our mission is initially focused on addressing a profound imbalance within the art world, specifically catering to women artists. In the current landscape, a mere 5% to 15% of artworks traded at auctions are created by women, starkly contrasted by the overwhelming 85% to 95% of works by male artists. This disparity is not only confined to auctions but is also prevalent in exhibitions, where male-created art significantly overshadows that of their female counterparts.

By concentrating our efforts on female artists, THE ART HUB aims to counteract this imbalance and champion women within the art community. This initiative is designed to amplify the visibility of women artists, making their creations more accessible to a wider audience, and ultimately striving for a more balanced representation of genders within art auctions and exhibitions. By prioritizing women in art, our platform boldly advocates for equality and diversity within the art sector, signaling a commitment to reshaping and enriching the cultural landscape.

Rauschenberg received numerous awards during his nearly 60-year artistic career. Among the most prominent were the International Grand Prize in Painting at the 32nd Venice Biennale in 1964 and the National Medal of Arts in 1993. Rauschenberg lived and worked in New York City and on Captiva Island, Florida, until his death on May 12, 2008. 1964 was a year of social, technological, and cultural change in America: the nation mourned the murder of President John F. Kennedy; Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act; and the Beatles led the "British invasion" of the American pop market. The year 1964 was also a decisive moment in the canon of American post-war art. In a large, lofty studio above a billiards hall on Broadway in New York, Robert Rauschenberg (1925-2008) completed Buffalo II, one of the largest of his famous series of screen-printed paintings that captured the social, political, and artistic zeitgeist of the decade.

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