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Artist ID:

Exhibitions (Selected)


2023 | Open lines, PARALLEL VIENNA 23, Wien (A)

2023 | ECOLOGIES OF CARE, Neue Galerie, küveti, Innsbruck (A)

2022 | Parallelbewegungen, PARALLEL VIENNA (A), PORTFOLIO, Raiffeisen Kunstsammlung Südtirol, Bozen (I)

2022 | BIENNAL OF THE ARTS 2022 COOKI - INNSBRUCK INTERNATIONAL (A), Klockermuseum, Sammlung und Kunstpreis 22, Hall i.Tirol (A)

2021 | Österreichischer Grafikwettbewerb 2021, Preisträgerin, Taxispalais Kunsthalle Tirol, Innsbruck (A)

2021 | fluent, entangled - coequal, Südtiroler Kulturinstitut, Bozen solo (I)

2021 | OPEN DOORS, Galerie Wiespach, Hallein (A)

2020 | Der malerische Raum, Galerie Schloss Wiespach, Hallein (A)

2020 | Kein halbes Dutzend, Galerie Heimo Bachlechner, Graz (A)

2019 | PARALLEL VIENNA 19, Artdepot, solo (A)

2019 | between inside and outside, Galerie le Carceri, Kaltern (I)

2018 | Markus Hofer - Nora Schöpfer, flat1, Wien (A)

2018 | Schein und Spiegelung, G.A.S.-station, Berlin (D)

2015 | liquid existence, Neue Galerie, küveti, Innsbruck, solo (A)

2014 | MECA Mediterraneo Centro Artistico, Almeria (E) solo

2014 | Künstler des Giardino di Daniel Spoerri, Forum Kunst Rottweil (D)

2014 | crux, Diözesanmuseum, Brixen (I)

2011 | Zwischen-Zeit-Räume, Galerie Thomas Flora, Innsbruck, solo (A)

2008 | Zeitraumzeit, Künstlerhaus Wien (A)

2008 | ca. 1000m2 Tiroler Kunst, Kunstraum Innsbruck (A)

Seit 2006 | zeitraumzeit - virtuelle volumen, Permanente Installation, Giardino di Daniel Spoerri, Seggiano (I)

Brief Biography & Artistic Journey | Nora Schöpfer


1984-1991 | University of Applied Arts, Vienna, studied Painting and Graphic Design under Oswald Oberhuber and Ernst Caramelle.


2021 | Prize of the State of Vorarlberg, Austrian Graphics Competition.

2018 | Prize of the State of Tyrol for Contemporary Art.

2010 | AzW Photo Award, Public Space, recognition by the Architecture Center, MQ, Vienna (A).

Collections Represented In:

Giardino di Daniel Spoerri, Seggiano (I)

Klocker Foundation (A)

Raiffeisenbank Kitzbühel, Raiffeisenkasse Bozen (A), (I)

Innsbruck City Cultural Office, Dept. of Culture of the State of Tyrol

Art collection of the Federal Government (A)

Hypo Bank Tyrol (A), among others.

Selected Bibliography from Recent Years:

2024, 2019 | INVENTUR 1 and 2 Art Purchases by the State of Tyrol, 2012-18 and 2019-2023, Department of Culture, State of Tyrol

2020 | fluent, entangled and coequal, exhibition catalog, South Tyrol Cultural Institute

2018 | Art Collection Raiffeisenbank Kitzbühel-St. Johann Acquisitions 2011-2018

Art Collection of the University, Art in Tyrol Post-1945, Volume 2

2016 | Quart Magazine for Culture No.27

2013 | Artinvestor, 05/13, Giardino di Daniel Spoerri

2008 | Künstlerhaus Vienna, zeitraumzeit, Folio Verlag, among others.

Curatorial and Organizational Activities in Artistic Collaborations:

Latest Project: 

2023 | open lines - open up minds, concepts, and perceptions of reality - open out images of complexity and relations, a collaborative project involving scientists and artists to experimentally interweave different fields, Project Statement PARALLEL VIENNA 23, openspace.innsbruck.



Brief Biography & Artistic Journey | Nora Schöpfer


1984-1991 | University of Applied Arts, Vienna, studied Painting and Graphic Design under Oswald Oberhuber and Ernst Caramelle.


2021 | Prize of the State of Vorarlberg, Austrian Graphics Competition.

2018 | Prize of the State of Tyrol for Contemporary Art.

2010 | AzW Photo Award, Public Space, recognition by the Architecture Center, MQ, Vienna (A).

Collections Represented In:

Giardino di Daniel Spoerri, Seggiano (I)

Klocker Foundation (A)

Raiffeisenbank Kitzbühel, Raiffeisenkasse Bozen (A), (I)

Innsbruck City Cultural Office, Dept. of Culture of the State of Tyrol

Art collection of the Federal Government (A)

Hypo Bank Tyrol (A), among others.

Selected Bibliography from Recent Years:

2024, 2019 | INVENTUR 1 and 2 Art Purchases by the State of Tyrol, 2012-18 and 2019-2023, Department of Culture, State of Tyrol

2020 | fluent, entangled and coequal, exhibition catalog, South Tyrol Cultural Institute

2018 | Art Collection Raiffeisenbank Kitzbühel-St. Johann Acquisitions 2011-2018

Art Collection of the University, Art in Tyrol Post-1945, Volume 2

2016 | Quart Magazine for Culture No.27

2013 | Artinvestor, 05/13, Giardino di Daniel Spoerri

2008 | Künstlerhaus Vienna, zeitraumzeit, Folio Verlag, among others.

Curatorial and Organizational Activities in Artistic Collaborations:

Latest Project: 

2023 | open lines - open up minds, concepts, and perceptions of reality - open out images of complexity and relations, a collaborative project involving scientists and artists to experimentally interweave different fields, Project Statement PARALLEL VIENNA 23, openspace.innsbruck.



Women in Art

Divergent interpretations about magdalena


Art ID



190 x150 cm

Acrylic on canvas





Women in Art

Common space


Art ID



93 x 93 cm

Acrylic, photography, print on paper





Women in Art

Common space 4 | exploring coexistence


Art ID



153 x 83 cm

Acrylic, photography, print on paper





Further Works of This Artist

Display Your Work Alongside the Masters of Art
Our platform provides carefully curated access to artworks selected by art experts, guaranteeing a selection of the highest quality.

Our Mission and Actions

At THE ART HUB, our mission is initially focused on addressing a profound imbalance within the art world, specifically catering to women artists. In the current landscape, a mere 5% to 15% of artworks traded at auctions are created by women, starkly contrasted by the overwhelming 85% to 95% of works by male artists. This disparity is not only confined to auctions but is also prevalent in exhibitions, where male-created art significantly overshadows that of their female counterparts.

By concentrating our efforts on female artists, THE ART HUB aims to counteract this imbalance and champion women within the art community. This initiative is designed to amplify the visibility of women artists, making their creations more accessible to a wider audience, and ultimately striving for a more balanced representation of genders within art auctions and exhibitions. By prioritizing women in art, our platform boldly advocates for equality and diversity within the art sector, signaling a commitment to reshaping and enriching the cultural landscape.

Personal Statement

In many places, new images of reality are beginning to form: endless networks of the development of all life forms, the enfolded becoming of space, matter, and time, of connections and relationships—a network of kinship and equality among all life forms becomes conceivable, and our exalted position as thoughtful observers and determiners of an "outside world" loses its relevance.

An oscillating conception becomes possible, one that displaces thought from time, delimits bodies, frees them from fixed categorizations, and superimposes spaces. Following this vision, I layer fragments to create a fabric of life, thereby also touching upon those processes of perception which, colored by experience and imprinting, generate ever-new and variable realities in a rhizomatic manner.

I imagine a transient relationality that calls for tolerance towards the other within the same and for responsibility towards our conceptual frameworks, also highlighting their limitations.

Through painting, graphics, and collage, I shape structures and forms of life such as veins, heart vessels, root systems, branches, and tree canopies, technological systems, symbols, and terms, as well as pure color fields representing immaterial voids of existence, outside our conventional thinking. These efforts aim toward a fictional transcendence of current notions about bodies and their boundaries, the spaces of existence, and their interrelations and dynamics.

(Nora Schöpfer)

Exhibitions (Selected)


2023 | Open lines, PARALLEL VIENNA 23, Wien (A)

2023 | ECOLOGIES OF CARE, Neue Galerie, küveti, Innsbruck (A)

2022 | Parallelbewegungen, PARALLEL VIENNA (A), PORTFOLIO, Raiffeisen Kunstsammlung Südtirol, Bozen (I)

2022 | BIENNAL OF THE ARTS 2022 COOKI - INNSBRUCK INTERNATIONAL (A), Klockermuseum, Sammlung und Kunstpreis 22, Hall i.Tirol (A)

2021 | Österreichischer Grafikwettbewerb 2021, Preisträgerin, Taxispalais Kunsthalle Tirol, Innsbruck (A)

2021 | fluent, entangled - coequal, Südtiroler Kulturinstitut, Bozen solo (I)

2021 | OPEN DOORS, Galerie Wiespach, Hallein (A)

2020 | Der malerische Raum, Galerie Schloss Wiespach, Hallein (A)

2020 | Kein halbes Dutzend, Galerie Heimo Bachlechner, Graz (A)

2019 | PARALLEL VIENNA 19, Artdepot, solo (A)

2019 | between inside and outside, Galerie le Carceri, Kaltern (I)

2018 | Markus Hofer - Nora Schöpfer, flat1, Wien (A)

2018 | Schein und Spiegelung, G.A.S.-station, Berlin (D)

2015 | liquid existence, Neue Galerie, küveti, Innsbruck, solo (A)

2014 | MECA Mediterraneo Centro Artistico, Almeria (E) solo

2014 | Künstler des Giardino di Daniel Spoerri, Forum Kunst Rottweil (D)

2014 | crux, Diözesanmuseum, Brixen (I)

2011 | Zwischen-Zeit-Räume, Galerie Thomas Flora, Innsbruck, solo (A)

2008 | Zeitraumzeit, Künstlerhaus Wien (A)

2008 | ca. 1000m2 Tiroler Kunst, Kunstraum Innsbruck (A)

Seit 2006 | zeitraumzeit - virtuelle volumen, Permanente Installation, Giardino di Daniel Spoerri, Seggiano (I)

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